HaRav Ohayon David
Rav of Alfei Menashe
"...keep writing in a clear and straight way, through deep research and study of the Sages...in order to shed light on the clarity of the practical Halacha..."
6 Kislev 5769 (i.e. 12/3/2008)
I saw the composition of the dear Torah scholar Rabbi Efraim Kachlon, who collected halachic matters and interpretations by our sages, which keep us alive, as its written: "A tree of life is for its holders", and knowing the actual practical Halacha is the main point for us, as our sages taught "God has no benefit and delight in the world outside of His four amot of Halacha" and I have also seen the support letter by the genius Rabbi Rosenberg shlit”a.
I give my blessing to the author to spread the Torah and glorify it, and he shall never fail and may we merit sanctifying His name. "A wise son would make his father rejoice"
And for this I have come to sign with the blessing of Torah
Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchaki- Rav of Moshav Porat