Rabbi Abadi Yosef
Rosh Yeshivat Ohel Yosef
"...they were willing to help right away, with a happy heart and generosity, in the most respected way, without any intentions of profit or publications."
To our Jewish brethren in every place, hello and blessings,
I hereby come to tell in public about the important organization “BeEzrat Hashem Inc.” headed by Rabbi Yaron Reuven Shlita and his partner in the holy work Rabbi Efraim Kachlon Shlita, who work night and days for the sake of families of our Jewish brethren who groan under the burden of earning a living etc., and they do everything in wisdom and kindness, in a way that respects the needy's who receive their help, and I personally know some of the dear families of Torah scholars and Avrechim who got into financial troubles and needed a lot of help in every day, most basic expenses, the holidays’ expenses, and expenses of marrying their children B’sha’a Tova and Mazal Tov.
Upon applying to the important organization “BeEzrat Hashem”, they were willing to help right away, with a happy heart and generosity, in the most respected way, without any intentions of profit or publications, as the verse says: “A gift in secret will appease wrath”.
And knowing the difficult year that has passed on the whole world due to the Covid-19 pandemic, may G-d have mercy, many hundreds of families of our Jewish brethren, neighbors, friends, etc., got into financial difficulties and they beg for help, and the little bit we could help wasn’t enough, unfortunately.
I hereby recommend and call out to the generous people of Yisrael, please make a donation to this important and much-needed organization, especially during these days.
May the merit of this mitzvah of charity protect you, and you always merit being the ones who give, out of good health, Nachat, wealth and endless joy, amen.
I sign this letter with much gratitude and friendship and bless you with the blessings of the Torah and a healthy summer.
Rabbi Abadi Yosef
Rosh Yeshivat Ohel Yosef