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BeEzrat HaShem Inc, Rabbi Yaron Reuven and Rav Efraim Kachlon are supported by Major Rabbanim. Here's what they're saying.

Support From Chief Rabbis Past & Present

Rav Ovadia Yosef.jpg

"... the genius Rabbi Efraim Kachlon shlit"a, who toils to give with full faith the words of our Sages..."

Rav Ovadia Yosef
Chief Rabbi and President of the Council of Sages


"They [BeEzrat HaShem Inc] have a good reputation in making the hearts of our brethren of Am Yisrael closer to their Father in Heaven."

Rabbi Kalman Meir Ber 

Chief Rabbi of Israel

Rav Yitzchak Yosef.jpg

"...honor the name of his glory HaRav Rebbi Yaron Reuven Shlit”a. With him the words of Chizuk and Awakening are happily written..."

Rav Yitzchak Yosef
The Rishon Lezion Chief Rabbi of Israel


"..I give my blessing... to Rabbi Yaron Reuven... that he succeed in whatever he turns to..."

Rav David Yosef
The Rishon Lezion Chief Rabbi of Israel

See Their Support

Chief Rabbi Support

Chief Rabbi Support
Rabbi David Yosef Blesses Rabbi Yaron Reuven

Rabbi David Yosef Blesses Rabbi Yaron Reuven

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Chief Rabbi of Israel HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Publicly Supporting Rav Yaron Reuven & Rav Efraim Kachlon

Chief Rabbi of Israel HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Publicly Supporting Rav Yaron Reuven & Rav Efraim Kachlon

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Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Rav Kalman Ber Blessing Rabbi Yaron Reuven

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Rav Kalman Ber Blessing Rabbi Yaron Reuven

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More Endorsements for Rabbi Yaron Reuven

Rav Gideon Ben Moshe.jpg

"...[Rabbi Reuven's] teaching enters the hearts of the listeners, and does many more holy sublime activities to bring people closer to HaShem..."

Rav Gideon Ben Moshe 
Head Rabbinical Judge in Monetary Law in the Jerusalem Rabbinate 


"...they were willing to help right away, with a happy heart and generosity, in the most respected way, without any intentions of profit or publications."

Rabbi Abadi Yosef
Rosh Yeshivat Ohel Yosef

Rav Eliyahu Ben Chaim.jpeg

"Rabbi Yaron is well known around the world, as one of the greatest to help people do TeShuva in our times."

Rav Eliyahu Ben Haim 

Head of the Rabbinical Court Mekor Haim

Rav Baruch Shimon Solomon .jpg

 "Efraim Kachlon...I have known for years as one who studies the Torah deeply and merits to write new insights and compositions..."

Rabbi Baruch Shimon Solomon 
Chief Rabbi Petach Tikvah & Rosh Yeshiva Nachalat David

Rav Yaakov Zamir Picture.jpeg

"With the divine assistance, they affect many Jews and bring them closer to Torah and Mitzvot in pleasant ways..."

Rabbi Yaakov Zamir 
Chaver in the Supreme Rabbinical Court, Jerusale


“Sometimes I am brought to tears of joy when I watch your Torah”

Rabbi Tovia Singer 
Outreach Judaism

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Leading Rabbis Unite To Speak Out About Rabbi Yaron Reuven

Leading Rabbis Unite To Speak Out About Rabbi Yaron Reuven

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Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Rav Kalman Ber Blessing Rabbi Yaron Reuven

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Rav Kalman Ber Blessing Rabbi Yaron Reuven

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Chief Rabbi of Israel HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Publicly Supporting Rav Yaron Reuven & Rav Efraim Kachlon

Chief Rabbi of Israel HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Publicly Supporting Rav Yaron Reuven & Rav Efraim Kachlon

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What Do Gdolei Yisrael Think of Rabbi Yaron Reuven

What Do Gdolei Yisrael Think of Rabbi Yaron Reuven

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"Our Supporters" Clips

More Endorsements for Rav Efraim

"...full of wisdom, clear and sharp interpretations and halachic answers...[Rav Efraim's] God fearing is before his wisdom and he is a diligent scholar."

Rabbi Pinhas Zavihi 
Head Rabbinical Judge and Head of Ateret Paz


"I give my blessing to the author [Rav Efraim] to spread the Torah and glorify it, and he shall never fail and may we merit sanctifying His name."

Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchaki

Rav of Moshav Porat

"...he is very sharp and knowledgeable in Halacha, worked tirelessly to bring and organize all of the sources for the Halacha, and his discussions..."

Rabbi Ezra Atiya

".. everything was written wisely, with lots of knowledge, he went deep into details and wrote very clearly..."

Rabbi Efraim Cohen

 Judge at the Regional Rabbinical Court of Petach Tikvah

"...keep writing in a clear and straight way, through deep research and study of the order to shed light on the clarity of the practical Halacha..."

HaRav Ohayon David

Rav of Alfei Menashe

"...the work of a specialist, containing sweet Torah interpretations full of light, a great Torah scholar, his future is for pride and glory..."

Rabbi Meir Shalom Tanzi

Head of Mikdash Shlomo Institute 

" the Torah path, you were blessed by the Torah Giver to taste the sweetness of the Torah and come up with new deep interpretations..."

Rabbi Baruch Dov Leibowitz

Head of Yeshivat Mir, Jerusalem

 "I give him my blessing to keep spreading his Torah and write more compositions. Blessed is his power for Torah."

Rabbi Shmuel ben David

 Community Rabbi and Head of Kollel Beer Yaakov

"...he is very knowledgeable and has an amazing understanding..."

Rabbi Yehoshua David Rosenberg

Rav of Kiryat Nordow Community, Netanya

"...the ultimate completion attained from Halacha is to walk with it in holiness, and to awaken the roots of the souls of Yisrael in the Torah..."

Rabbi Yechiel Bussi

Head of Kollel and Gemach Chasdei Zion

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