Rabbi Pinhas Zavihi
Head Rabbinical Judge and Head of Ateret Paz
"...full of wisdom, clear and sharp interpretations and halachic answers...[Rav Efraim's] God fearing is before his wisdom and he is a diligent scholar."
Rabbi Pinhas Zavihi Shlit"a
Head Rabbinical Judge of the holy community "Atert Paz" Jerusalem may it be rebuilt soon
Tuesday 19 Kislev 5769 (i.e. 12/16/2008)
I have been brought this book, The Responsa " Ach Tov L’Yisrael" by the dear Torah scholar, precious as jewels, Rav Efraim Kachlon shlit"a, the son in law of our dear friend, one of our Jerusalem- based kollel's honourable people, Rabbi Chaim Shmuel shlit"a.
I have reviewed the chapters of the book and very much enjoyed it, as I have found them full of wisdom, clear and sharp interpretations and halachic answers, and I know the author, whose God fearing is before his wisdom and he is a diligent scholar.
My prayer is that God blessed be He, shall merit him to keep studying our holy Torah and spread out His words by publishing his books, out of happiness and abundance. May this book bring much light to the world, and continue to bring you higher and higher in our holy Torah. Amen, may it be His will.
And to our dear brethren of House of Yisrael, with full faith and belief read this book and assist the genius author to do more Kiruv to benefit the public.
With the Torah blessing and lots of love,
Rabbi Pinhas Zavihi- Head Rabbinical Judge and Head of Ateret Paz