Being A Proud Jew On Purim
Be a proud Jew on purim like Mordechai Yehudi! Rabbi Yaron Reuven answers a viewers question about whether to wear Tzitzit inside or outside. Rabbi Reuven explains that antisemitism isn't a valid reason not to proudly display your Jewishness to the world. HaShem protects us no matter where we are. Be a proud Jew on Purim and every day, wear a big kippah or Kisui Rosh, show your payot, and wear your Tzitzit.
BRING JOY TO AM YISRAEL THIS PURIM! Partner with us in the Mitzvot of MaChatzit HaShekel and Matanot LaEvyonim for PURIM 5785 Help feed the poor Jews of Eretz Yisrael—the families of Talmidie Chachamim (Torah Scholars) who are struggling to sustain their households. When we give generously, Hashem rewards us generously!