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Disciples of Avraham vs Disciples of Bilaam

What's the difference between the disciples of Avraham Avinu and the disciples of Bilaam HaRasha? Rabbi Yaron Reuven brings insights from Pirkei Avot chapter 5 that connects to Parashat Balak, this week's Torah portion. The frightening thing is, nobody thinks they're wicked, not even Bilaam! Only by learning mussar with our Torah, and delving on our actions, can we refine our middot (character traits), and be ensured we will truly be counted among the disciples of Avraham Avinu and merit Gan Eden in this world and Olam HaBa.

Pirkei Avot 5:22

Whoever has these three traits, he is of the disciples of Avraham Avinu; and [whoever has] three different traits is among the disciples of Bilaam, the wicked. Those who have a good eye, a humble spirit and an undemanding soul are the disciples of Avraham Avinu. Those who have an evil eye, an arrogant spirit and a greedy soul are the disciples of Bilaam, the wicked. How are the disciples of Abraham Avinu different from the disciples of Bilaam, the wicked? The disciples of Abraham Avinu enjoy [the fruits of their good deeds] in this world, and inherit the World to Come, as it is said: “To cause those who love Me to inherit an everlasting possession [the World to Come], I will fill their storehouses [in this world]” (Proverbs 8:21). But the disciples of Bilaam, the wicked, inherit Gehinnom, and descend into the well of destruction, as it is said: “And you, O God, shall lower them into the well of destruction, men of bloodshed and deceit; they shall not live out half their days; but I trust in You” (Psalms 55:24).

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