God Doesn't Change - Parashat Balak
The Jewish people are blessed, and anyone that curses them will be cursed (Bamidbar 24:9). Parashat Balak contains a fundamental principle in the Torah: God does not change. Something that the christians, and Jewish Reformers that modify the Torah, both get wrong.
Rabbi Yaron Reuven brings insights from the Parasha to help us avoiding being like Bilaam and understand the blessings we receive in this world are only so we can continue to fulfill the mitzvot. Unfortunately many false speakers try to sell Judaism like HaShem needs our mitzvot, and that's why He rewards us. It's a sad story that happens all too often, when people see HaShem's blessings and stop doing what brought them the blessings in the first place, but then wonder why all of the sudden the blessings stopped. When something works, you have to keep doing it, and following the Torah works better than anything!