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HaShem Is One | Kavanah When Saying The Shema Yisrael

Writer's picture: Team HashemTeam Hashem

"HaShem is our God HaShem is One." - Deuteronomy 6:4 - Parashat Vaetchanan & Parashat Eikev both contain passages which are in the tefillin that a Jewish man is suppose to put on during prayer every day. But what does it really mean that HaShem is one? Rabbi Yaron Reuven discusses the proper kavanah (intent) when saying the Shema and brings insights from Rav Elchonon Wasserman zt"l to clarify these intentions and attributes of God that many get horribly wrong.

Whenever a Rabbi or a speaker brings a teaching that even seems to go against the Masoret of Am Yisrael (the tradition of the Jewish people), they are harshly warned by the Sages to qualify and clarify their statements:

"Avtalion used to say: Sages be careful with your words, lest you incur the penalty of exile, and be carried off to a place of evil waters, and the disciples who follow you drink and die, and thus the name of Heaven becomes profaned." - Pirkei Avot 1:11

Rav Elchonon Wasserman brings something that at first sounds foreign to Judaism, but he qualifies his teachings with proof from the Torah, with actual sources in verses in the Chumash. Anyone that doesn't bring a clear source and explains their statements, is at the very least treading on dangerous ground, and usually they have been carried off the a place of the evil waters of heresy.


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