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Kosher Wig? Why I Burned $15,000 In Jewish Sheitels

A tzaddikah student of Rabbi Yaron Reuven explains why she burned $15,000 worth of kosher wigs. First off, there is no such thing as a kosher wig, because virtually every wig contains human hair from Hindu sacrifices to Avodah Zara. No matter where it says it's from, they just import Indian hair and put a new label on it. Second, there's no bracha in wearing a wig, it's not modest, and not fitting for a Bat Yisrael to look like the Sotah. Wearing a Kisui Rosh (head covering) will bring blessing into your life, from health, Shalom Bayit, Parnasa and more. A Jew is forbidden to benefit from idolatry, so the only option is to burn them, record it and send the video to Rabbi Yaron Reuven to make a HUGE Kiddush HaShem!

To help us in publicizing the truth of the holy Torah and matters of Kedusha, please donate at: http://TikkunHaBrit.Live Attention Bnot Yisrael, You're being fooled by crooked businessmen who care more about your money than your neshama, and it's time you see the truth. Baruch HaShem, After years of research, lectures and fending off those who tried to silence us, we're excited to publish the GUIDE TO THE DANGERS OF KOSHER WIGS.

This FREE Guide speaks for itself, with over 60 Interactive pages that will keep you busy each time you click a picture or word, and educate you enough to become an expert Tzadika that can save her community from the biggest scam of the generation. It's YOURS FREE TO LEARN, SHARE, AND BE HOLY.

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