Motivation Being Grateful: Say Thank You To HaShem
Being Grateful is easy when you learn how much there is to say thank you to HaShem for! There's a Gemara in Brachot 28b with the prayers that Rabbi Nechuniya Ben HaKanah would say before and after learning Torah. Rabbi Yaron Reuven discusses the special importance of the prayer after learning Torah: "I thank you HaShem my God, for establishing my portion with those that dwell in the study hall, and You have not established my portion with idlers." The Gemara goes on to say that those that learn Torah and the idlers are both running toward a destination: one runs toward Olam Haba, and the other is running toward Be'er Shachat, a chamber in Gehinnom. They both toil, they both eat, work and sleep, doing the same basic things, but only one will receive a reward of eternal good, while the other will be punished for every action they make.
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