Parashat Tetzaveh Saved Rav Yom Tov Heller
Rabbi Yaron Reuven tells a story of how studying Parashat Tetzaveh saved Rav Yom Tov Heller from a death penalty in Prague. During a time of severe persecution of Jews in Prague, some in the Jewish community informed on Rav Yom Tov Heller to the gentile authorities. Rav Heller was accused of crimes against the church and if convicted, it would have been a death penalty, but the Gadol HaDor had incredible Siyata Dishmaya from studying the weekly Parasha, and this unlikely knowledge was the thing that saved him.
Rabbi Reuven says, this is one of many examples of why it's halacha for a Jew to study the weekly Torah portion twice and once with commentary every week. HaShem gave us the Torah so that we should live, and if we learn deeply, everything we need every week is hidden in the Torah and the words of the Jewish Sages.