RAMBAM Says The Torah Protects Us
Updated: Oct 12, 2023
Rambam says the Torah protects us in times of crisis. Rabbi Yaron Reuven brings the Rambam and two conflicting teachings of the Sages in the Gemara on how a Jew should act during difficult times of plague and war in the world. Rambam writes there is a concept where there's a time to fulfill the will of HaShem, and a time where you're exempt from doing mitzvot. You want to, but you simply can't. Rambam says that when there's an evil decree in the world, the only thing that protects us is the Torah and mitzvot! We must do everything we can to do MORE to HELP AM YISRAEL!
Helping Am Yisrael @ WAR for Survival The Heartbreaking Cases Are Storming In...
We Need MORE PARTNERS! DONATE TODAY @ http://www.BHChesed.org
AM YISRAEL IS UNDER ATTACK and Fighting For Survival. The Death Toll and Victims are rising, but that only tells you a small part of the story about the victims here. Rabbi Yaron Reuven and Rav Efraim Kachlon are both In Jerusalem with the Team BeEzrat HaShem in different parts of the country trying to help those that are in need--Spiritual or Material.
Whether it's getting Countless Tzitzits for Israel's soldiers that are going to battle and in desperate need of a mitzvah to protect them, or helping families that are locked in their houses during this War and do not have money to buy food. There are too many cases to list, and too little time to waste a minute. The victims are rising and the calls for help are beyond comprehension. We need as much money as possible to help as many people as possible, and time is of the essence. Please Help Us Help Am Yisrael. As Our Holy Sages Teach "Those Who Are With Am Yisrael During Their Sufferings, Will Merit To Be With Them During Their Salvation."