The Only Cure For Spiritual Diseases
The only cure for the spiritual diseases we have is mussar and Yirat Shamayim (ethical teachings of the Torah and fear of Heaven). Rabbi Yaron Reuven brings a fundamental principle from the one of the founders of the Mussar movement: Rabbi Yisrael mi Salant, who says we're all spiritually sick, it's a plague! The problem is there aren't enough doctors to treat this spiritual disease we all have. Not everyone knows the Ohr Yisrael, so Rabbi Yaron Reuven brings Shlomo HaMelech in Proverbs that supports what Rabbi Yisrael mi Salant says, and adds emphasis: Anyone that doesn't like being rebuked, is dead! (Proverbs 15:10) And HaShem only rebukes those He loves (Proverbs 3:12).
The Gemara in Masechet Shabbat 104 says, anyone that desires to become purified, HaShem will help them, and part of this is giving the person tests and rebukes so they can fix themselves and get closer to HaShem. So, if you're getting tests from HaShem, it's a sign He loves you, accept them with love, keep learning mussar and doing TeShuva.
Loving HaShem means loving mussar.