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What Is Torah

Writer: Team HashemTeam Hashem

Updated: Jan 16

The definition of the word Torah is 'instruction'.

The Torah is the central reference of the religious Judaic tradition. It is a term that broadly refers to The Five Books Of Moshe (Moses). These books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These were given to Moshe by G-d on Mount Sinai approx 3300 years ago.

It is also known as the Written Torah. Usually when people refer to the 'Torah' they are talking about the version which is written on parchment. This is kept in the ark in the Synagogue and taken out to be read during prayer services.

The Torah can also refer to the 24 books of the Tanach.The Torah Generally also refers to two parts. A written law ( Torah Shebichtav) and an Oral Law (Torah SheB'al Peh). Both were received at Har Sinai.

24 Books?

The Five Books of Moses are one part of the Hebrew Scriptures. The full corpus is known as the Tanach. (תָּנָ״ךְ) 

Tanach is an Acronym of three Hebrew words.

Torah : The Five Books of Moses

Neviim : Prophets

Ketuvim : Writings - Such as Tehillim (Psalms)

The Torah, the Five books of Moses (as mentioned above) Covers the time span from the beginning of the world up to the death of Moses.

Neviim: The Prophets

This spans the time of the Jews coming in to the land of Israel, building a Temple and its eventual destruction.

This Includes:

 Early Prophets:

 Latter Prophets:

12 Minor Prophets:

Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel

Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakuk, Zephaniah, Chagay, Zechariah, Malachi

Ketuvim: The Writings, This contains

The Five Megilot:

​Other Books:

The Last books*

Ruth, Eicha (Lamentations), Kohelet (Ecclesiastes), Esther, Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs)

Tehillim (Psalms), Mishlei (Proverbs), Job

Daniel, Ezra & Nehemiah, Divrei Hayamim (Chronicles)

*The Last books describe the Babylonian captivity after the destruction of the first temple and return to Israel after the Babylonian exile.​

What is the Oral Law

The Oral Law, known as "Torah Shebe'al Peh" in Hebrew, is an integral part of Jewish tradition and complements the written Torah. It encompasses the teachings, interpretations, and explanations passed down orally from generation to generation alongside the written Torah.

The Oral Law consists of several components:


This is the earliest written compilation of Jewish oral traditions, completed around 200 CE by Rabbi Judah the Prince. It organizes and codifies laws and discussions on various topics, forming the basis for further interpretation.


There are two primary Talmuds—the Jerusalem Talmud (Talmud Yerushalmi) and the Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli). They are vast collections of discussions, commentaries, legal debates, stories, and interpretations of the Mishnah. The Babylonian Talmud, compiled around 500 CE, holds greater prominence and is more commonly studied.



These are texts that delve into the stories, legal teachings, and ethical insights derived from the Torah. Midrashic literature offers a deeper understanding of biblical narratives and their relevance to daily life.

Together, these three parts form a vast explanation and commentary on the written law and accompanying traditions that were passed down. They form the basis for Orthodox Jewish life today.

Who Wrote all The Books?

The Torah, our sacred scripture, was authored by G-d and transmitted through Moses during the divine revelation at Mount Sinai. Every word, letter, and commandment in the Torah was directly given by God to Moses. The Book of Job was also written by Moses.

The Rest of the Tanach:


Written By



Judges Ruth, Samual

Samuel The Prophet

Kings, Jeremiah, Book of Kings, Lamentations (Eicha)




Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes (Kohelet)

Composed by King Solomon, later they were recorded and written by Hezekiah

Ezekiel, The Twelve Prophets, Daniel The Scroll of Esther

 The Members of the Great Assembly (during the Babylonian exile)

Book of Ezra Chronicles

 Ezra, completed by Nehemiah

The Mishna as compiled By Judah the Prince, as stated above.The Gemara and its vast collection was compiled by Ravina and Rav Ashi

So Where does Halacha come from?

The process of extracting halacha (Jewish law) from the Talmud involves intricate study, analysis, and interpretation by learned scholars and rabbis over centuries.

Rabbis would undergo extensive education and study to master the Talmudic texts, which are rich in discussions, debates, legal rulings, and interpretations by ancient sages. Understanding the language, context, and nuances of the Talmud is foundational.Once they had reached a substantial level of understanding. They would be Given 'Smicha'.

This would allow the rabbi to render legal decisions. As He grew and wrote more about the Torah, if he grew to the status of an accepted leader of the generation he might write a Halacha Book, based on the Talmud and traditions. This was to adapt ancient laws to newer times, so that the public would know how to act in accordance with the Torah.

Can the Torah be added to or changed

No one has the authority to alter or modify its sacred text. It stands as the eternal covenant between God and the Jewish people.

No generation can change what the former generation sealed. For Example, A letter cannot be added to the Torah to change it. A law cannot ba added to the Talmud All Halachot are interpretations of the Talmudic Law by Rabbis who it is accepted will remain true to G-ds original intention.

Is It Only For Jews

Although the Oral Law is only for Halachic Jews. The written Law is for all nations. In the Oral Tradition G-d gave to Adam and Noach what has come to be known as the 7 Noachide Laws.The Talmud states that the 'righteous among the nations' have a place in the world to come.They gain this by keeping the 7 Noachide Laws.

How Do You Know It's True?

Aside from the Unique Claim of Judaism of being the only religion which G-d spoke to in a mass Revelation (Read More on this on Our Judaism Page) When using one's level and rational mind there are many things inside the Torah which show us that it was written by a divine mind and could not possibly have been made by Man.

This includes : Future Predictions - The Torah stated Hashem will return the Jewish people to there homeland in the future, and that the land will not be fertile until the Jews return.

How can a book written 3300 years ago even predicted the Jews would still be alive, let alone exiled and then brought back.

Torah Codes :  Significant words spelled out at equidistant skip sequences of letters in the original text of the Torah is powerful evidence that it is a work of G-d rather than a work of men.

Some of these include the death dates of Known Rabbis, Or Word which had not been invented yet on the pages of relevant texts.

This is based on Gematria, The numbering system of the Torah.

In the Torah and the Oral Tradition, there are various claims which lean on knowledge which could not possibly have been possessed by any man of that time.

For More on this Check Out Rabbi Yaron Reuven's Video :


For Further Watching :

The Signature of God THE MOVIE(by BeEzrat HaShem Inc)

Why Should I Learn Torah?

The serves as our eternal guide, embodying divine wisdom and moral teachings essential for our lives.

It was given to the Jewish People over 3300 years in order to enrich their lives and direct them to perfection, and it has guided its followers providing new insight and wisdom ever since.

Man made Self Help vs Divine Self Help


"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold the water"

Now What

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Instead of paying thousands of dollars for Coaching and Self Help books written by people of flesh and blood, hear the Divine Self Help from God that's in His Holy Torah for FREE."

- Rabbi Yaron Reuven

This series of Pirkei Avot Mussar has over 170 Shiurim (Lessons). Delve in to an ancient text, gain ancient wisdom, apply to your life today and grow in ways you could not even imagine!

(Jeremiah 2:13)


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