Why does every generation of kids keep getting worse? Rabbi Yaron Reuven brings a POWERFUL lesson from the life of David HaMelech (King David) an extraordinarily righteous person that suffered two very wicked children; Absolom who tried to kill him, and Amnon who became a rapist. All this is brought to light by the holy Ramban nearly 900 years ago in his book Iggeret HaKodesh (The Holy Letter) that applies today more than ever. The Ramban brings priceless advice for having the best children possible, all that's required is a little knowledge, preparation and help from HaShem.
BREAKING KEDUSHA NEWS: A Guide To TIKKUN HaBRIT by BeEzrat HaShem Inc. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:us:21f46bf3-4bee-4a63-bd89-a8b0865e8d86
It's Time For Am Yisrael To Increase KEDUSHA, and This Revolutionary Interactive Guide Makes It Easier Than Ever. If We Want To Win The War, We Now Have The Clear Instructions Available For The First Time In History. Read, Learn, CLICK and LEARN Further and Further About How To Be Holy (KADOSH).
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