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You Shall Not Commit Adultery - TEN COMMANDMENTS (Lo Tinaf)

Writer: Team HashemTeam Hashem

You Shall Not Commit Adultery is one of the Ten Commandments, but most don't know how this law actually applies. Rabbi Yaron Reuven brings a little known chiddush from Parashat Yitro we all should know about the Ten Commandments: Lo Tinaf, Do not commit adultery, is not what it seems, it's much more strict. The Sages in the Gemara bring multiple proofs from the Chumash and the Prophets that it refers to all immorality, but especially to the prohibition of wasting seed. Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus says, one who arouses himself is as if he brought the Flood. Rabbi Tarfon says, it's better a man die a gruesome death than to waste seed.


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