Rabbi Efraim Kachlon
Life and Education
Rabbi Efraim Kachlon was born on 22 Kislev 5749 (December 1, 1988 CE), in
the city of Netanya, Israel, to his father Rabbi Chaim Kachlon Shlita and his
mother Rabbanit Shulamit שתחיה.
Studied and educated in Talmud Torah “Ollelim” in Netanya. At the age of 13
he entered the Nachalat David Yeshiva in Petah Tikva. During his yeshiva
studies until his marriage to Rabbanit Sarah שתחיה, he completed the Bavli
and Yerushalmi Shas several times, taught Torah and Halacha lessons, and
even published his first book “Ach Tov le' Israel”, before he was 20 years old.
After his marriage, he began rabbinical and Dayanut (Rabbinical judge) studies
at Rabbi Gideon ben Moshe “Yoru Mishpatecha” institutions in Jerusalem.
Over the years he attained ten rabbinic ordinations, and three ordinations for
Today the Rabbi and his blessed family live in the holy city of Jerusalem.
• Hochachot Ve'Tochechot - The book of proofs and rebukes which includes a composition about the high level of the converts, a composition about the duty to rebuke, a composition about the question: Where was God during the Holocaust, a composition about the Gehenom (Hell) according to the Baal Shem Tov, and a composition about high interest loan to the Gentiles
• Sichot for Bat Yisrael and Am Yisrael - (available in English and Hebrew) that he authored together with his wife, Rabbanit Sarah שתחיה
• The weekly lecture - corresponding to the relevant topics discussed according to the week's Parasha
• The weekly sermon
• Five compositions: Emrei Pi
• Zachor Davar Le'Avdecha - on methods for remembering Torah learning
• Cheder Na'eh - editing and additions to an ancient book
• Composition about the Zohar completion
• Ahavat Chaim Responsa
• Composition about the completion f Shulchan Aruch
• Composition about Bat Mitzvah
• Composition about Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai
• Interpretations of the Passover Haggadah
• The Messianic Jews Myth
• Editing a weekly newsletter of Be'Ezrat HaShem organization
Books that will be published soon, B'H:
• A Jewish story (English and Hebrew)
• A series about the Shas
• Composition about tractate Avot
• Sefer Ma'aneh le'Ma'aneh
In addition, he edited and proofread dozens of other books and compositions for other great rabbis.
Most of the books are available in a free online version on the organization's website
His Books
Over the years, Rabbi Kachlon published his own books and compositions, which received support letters from G'dolei Yisrael, including Israel's Chief Rabbi - Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, Rabbi Jacob Zamir, Rabbi Gideon ben Moshe and
other important rabbis, and were distributed in tens of thousands of copies in Israel and around the world.
• Ach Tov le'Israel Responsa - (parts 1-5) questions and answers on diverse and relevant Halacha issues
• Doresh Tov series - (parts 1-3) amazing Chidushim and interesting stories about all the Parshas of the week, tractates of the Talmud, Jewish holidays and various Jewish events
• Doresh Tov Amo - Commentary on the Book of Esther, and a new and expanded edition of it
BeEzrat HaShem Organization
In 2016, together with Rabbi Yaron Reuven Shlit'a, he founded the Torah spreading company BeEzrat HaShem. Rabbi Kachlon and Rabbi Reuven give classes and lectures in Israel and abroad, and have influenced the lives of many, to repent and get closer to Torah life.
The organization's purpose and motto is: To rectify the world in the kingdom of God, in a spiritual way - to get Jews closer to Torah life and mitzvoth. This involves fighting against missionaries, producing various Torah films, giving lectures in Israel and around the world, accompanying converts, giving individual spiritual guidance and more. They also help in the material sense to families in
need, single mothers, distribution of food packages, assistance to families of Avrechim and Torah learners, Hachnasat Kalah (assisting poor couples with wedding expenses), prevention of abortions and much more.
Every year, Be'Ezrat Hashem supports tens of thousands of Jews in Israel and around the world. Even Noahides and candidates for conversion who want to strengthen the connection with the Jewish people and join the people of Israel in holiness according to the Orthodox law have been helped by the organization.
During the Iron Swords War starting in October 2023, the organization donated hundreds of thousands of Shekels to IDF soldiers, the families of the evacuees and citizens who needed financial support due to the situation.
The BeEzrat HaShem organization publishes and distributes free of charge Torah lessons for listening and viewing, in 14 different languages on YouTube, on the Kol HaLashon system and on various media platforms, books of Halacha, Jewish customs, morals, and more. With G-d's help, there are currently over 12,000 online lectures on various topics, including Halacha, morals, anti-missionaries, the weekly Parsha, Pirkei Avot, fixing bad character traits, Shalom Bayit, current affairs and Judaism and more.
The organization also has a Kollel Avrechim in Jerusalem headed by Rabbi Shlomo Sharvit Shlit'a.
Beit Din Tzedek : BeEzrat HaShem
In the year of 5784 (2023), in a special ceremony, the organization inaugurated the establishment of the Beit Din Tzedek BeEzrat HaShem, and ordained Rabbi Efraim Kachlon Shlit'a as head of the Beit Din, the other judges of the
Beit Din are Rabbi Shlomo Sharvit and Rabbi Zvi Didi.
Rabbi Efraim Kachlon Shlit'a - the author of a series of Halachic books Ach Tov le Israel on the 4 parts of the Shulchan Aruch, with vigorous study and wonderful knowledge. Has an ordination from the Chief Rabbinate, which also includes a test on Halachot Brit Mila and conversion.
In addition, he was ordained as Yoreh-Yoreh, Yadin-Yadin to serve as a rabbinical judge, by Rabbi Gideon ben Moshe Shlit'a, the head of Kollel Yoru Mishpatecha, Halacha teaching house, in Beit Midrash Yechaveh Da'at, in the holy city of Jerusalem, and Av Beit Din at the rabbinate of Jerusalem in monetary laws, and an additional ordination Yadin-Yadin from Rabbi Yosef Chaim Mizrahi Shlit'a, Dayan and Mo'tz in Beitar Illit.
Rabbi Shlomo Sharvit Shlit'a - author of the Responsa on the Halacha Simchat Ya'akov on the 4 parts of the Shulchan Aruch. He qualified by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel to serve as Dayan, and by virtue of this he is also qualified to serve as a rabbi of a city in the Land of Israel. He also serves as the rabbi of the Shlomo ben Yair – Kaduri community in Jerusalem, and as a head of a Kollel for Dayanut and Halacha teaching, and a member of the Beit Din Chukat Mishpat,
headed by Rabbi Elhanan Peretz Shlit'a.
Rabbi Zvi Didi Shlit'a - qualified to serve as a rabbinical judge from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, which also includes a test on Halachot of Brit Mila and conversion. By virtue of this, he was given the ability to serve as a rabbi of a city in the Land of Israel, serving as a responder and a teacher in the Kollel for Dayanut. In addition, he serves as a Mo'tz and Dayan at the high Beit Midrash for Dayanut Birkat Avraham.
The BeEzrat HaShem Rabbinical court is located at 22 Yonatan Ben Uziel St. in Jerusalem and deals with monetary laws, family purity, conversion and more.

Letter Of Rabbinic Ordination from Rabbi Gidon Ben Moshe - Head of The Rabbinic Court of Monetary Law in Yerushalayim

Letter Of Rabbinic Ordination from Rabbi Yosef Chaim Mizrachi - Dayan and Posek of Beitar Illit