Modern Day Reincarnation (Gilgul) In Cats

This story is unlike any other we’ve published from our other talmidim and supporters. This one is eyewitness report of multiple people of the things we typically only read about in the Sefarim of the Sages or hear in stories. This is an extraordinary addition to our Teshuva Stories Series coming from a Frum woman and family. BeEzrat HaShem this too will bring much chizuk to people so they will listen and respect the words of the Sages without allowing the Yetzer HaRa and his naysayer heretical soldiers interfering with the Truth. The text below are her own written words for those with eyes that are willing to see, and ears that are willing to hear.
Last summer, on the hazkara of the Arizal, Rav Yitzchak Luria, we got a kitten. He lived in our house for two months, and although he received lots of love, food and good care, he meowed more than normal and we didn’t know what his problem was. After two months, he had grown up, and his meowing was becoming more and more bothersome, as well as his behavior. He would jump up on the table, stick his nose into our food, climb into the kitchen cabinets and we had to chase him out of bedrooms before going to sleep at night because he kept on running in and hiding under the bed, and then he would wake people up in the middle of the night. Finally, we decided maybe he needed to be outside. We put his food and water outside and at first he ran away for the day but then the next day he came back. He became an outdoor cat, coming in when the kids wanted to pet him. We thought this solved the problem but it didn’t. He began meowing all day long outside our neighbor’s house. It was driving her crazy. When she told me, I explained that he had been meowing in the house so we put him outside, thinking that’s what he needed— and he had enough food and water. We didn’t know what his problem could be now. She said to me, “You should say to him, ‘Mochel lach, mochel lach, mochel lach’. Maybe he has a soul that needed to obtain forgiveness and came back as a cat to your house in order to seek your forgiveness. Maybe all this crying is to get your attention.”
I agreed to try it, and a few days later when I was holding him on my lap on the porch, I remembered to say it. I said ‘Mochel lach’, three times, and did this three times altogether. Suddenly he jumped off my lap, (which was unusual— usually he never wanted me to put him down) and went to the porch door asking to be let out. I had the distinct sensation that he was indicating that his business with us was finished. It was just a feeling. I let him outside… and that was the last time I ever saw him. We continued to put his food and water outside the door, but it was left untouched. My daughter in law said that during this time she heard a long cry, a scream, that sounded like him, at night. My neighbor told me the same thing. We don’t know what happened to him, but it’s been months and we’ve never seen him since. This happened about three months ago, and whenever I told people the story, it made quite an impression on them. But there’s more to the story. Right before I left overseas, about two weeks after the cat had disappeared, I was visiting my friend and was telling her the whole story, and how I finally told it “mochel lach mochel lach” and it suddenly disappeared— and she told me that her cat too, was making her crazy. He also jumped up on the table, took food from the table and even the open oven, and was meowing a lot. I suggested that she say “mochel lach, mochel lach” because maybe he was a soul that was seeking forgiveness. Right after I mentioned this, I had to leave to get ready for my trip overseas. After I returned two months later, I went to visit my friend, and noticed that her cat wasn’t there. She told me, “Oh that’s right, you’ve been gone. What happened was, right after you left, I told the cat “Mochel lach, mochel lach”, and the next thing that happened was, as my family and I were standing by the street curb, we saw our cat run into the path of an oncoming car, and sadly, he was killed instantly.” What can I learn from these two stories? The message I take from this is, that first of all, it really does matter what we do in our lifetime. If we have hurt or wronged someone, it’s extremely important to make amends and ask for forgiveness. And of course, it’s extremely important to treat people always with kindness and respect. Our deeds never go unnoticed. There is a “Seeing Eye” and a “Listening Ear”
Ear” taking note of every action. But I also understand that everything we say on this earth carries weight. Nothing is casual or of no importance. Every word counts. Because if the simple words of my friend and I to our cats, “mochel lach, mochel lach” could free souls and absolve them of guilt, then our words, every single one, are very powerful. Please, let us use our words wisely and speak kindly to everyone! Esther Malka Astruc (ISRAEL)
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